Table of Contents | 24 May 2021
Did you know that 2,200 children go missing in D.C. every year? / You should know this. / Let the beat build.
By: David Simmons
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: David Simmons
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents David Simmons's “The Bunny Man,” with a reading by the poet.
When I see old disks, I remember that time: both the victories and the ruins.
The erasing of African legacies in the diasporas led to the creation of African archetypes, that helped maintain a sense of identity through the horror, a narrative of home that had to be passed to generations who would never know that home, who enhanced it and changed it in turn. Forced migration and assimilation gave birth to New World syncretism. Our speculative world is enriched by it.
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17 May 2021
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31 May 2021