Table of Contents | 31 May 2021
Trans bodies are BIPOC bodies.  Trans bodies are disabled bodies.  Trans bodies are complex in so many more ways than just our genders, sexes, orientations, and pronouns. Trans minds are housed within these bodies, our bodies.  Remember that.
By: Jenny Fried
Art by: Sunmi
He was a boy. And he would collect broken glass and wear shoes with Velcro and a few of his teeth were fake, but he always forgot which ones.
By: Jenny Fried
Podcast read by: Courtney Floyd
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Courtney Floyd presents "The Chicken House" by Jenny Fried.
We move forward like sharks, some of us because of the shark genes we carry in our bodies.
By: Paris Green
Podcast read by: Kat Kourbeti
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Kat Kourbeti presents Paris Green's "Women Want Me, Fish Fear Me".
I look away from the window for one moment to stare at you and when I turn back there’s a lake outside, still and clear, like your eyes.
And in class we’re told that they / is too potent to be wielded / by a person alone
I swallowed all those dictionary definitions / but they felt like fishbone / stuck to my throat
a train of desires crushes you & you rummage / for a boy's body to pour the urge
You will be tempted to mix cigars and cloves and motor oil / To roll them in your taxes and the discarded page of colonoscopy instructions
sometimes, Luna forgets about their wings / until the feathers brush against their back.
every second I become something new, with / a clock for a heart and the clocked tick-tock / of a watch for blood in my veins.
you want to be a better daughter / you pretend not to be her son.
By: Dante Luiz
Art by: Sunmi
Fiction and art was a way for me to explore and express gender, and still is.
I think JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures and its success, especially in the queer community, can teach Western storytellers a lot in terms of representation. Merely stating a character’s marginalisation is not enough—at least not without commitment to representing what that marginalisation truly means at its core. Representation needs to be nuanced to embrace the kaleidoscope of experiences within a marginalised community. Finally, it needs to be something made for marginalised people, with the primary aim not to educate the majority, but to – well – represent us with enthusiasm, empowerment, and joy.
Gender-queerness comes up immediately once character customization is on the table for discussion.
I’d like SFF that makes it feel good instead of terrifying to think of the future. I don’t want the retro-future with flying cars and robot servants and a Star Trekian hand-wave of past abuses, but visions of a new, inclusive future. What does reconciliation and healing look like? What can we look forward to that isn’t an apocalypse, but also doesn’t pretend that climate change isn’t happening? I want fiction that acknowledges the shortcomings of past dreams but isn’t afraid to put forth a new vision of the future.
I’m biting at my own skin, tryna get the moonlight out.
our bellies are as earth-core, our word is as the last.
By: Amari Low
By: Lu Christófaro
By: Beasa A. Dukes
By: Avi Silver
By: Emmanuel Ojeikhodion
By: Brooke Abbey
By: Alexander Te Pohe
By: M. Darusha Wehm
By: Elliott Dunstan
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: Amari Low
Podcast read by: Lu Christófaro
Podcast read by: Beasa A. Dukes
Podcast read by: Avi Silver
Podcast read by: Emmanuel Ojeikhodion
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents the poetry of the trans special issue.
By: Natalia Theodoridou
Podcast read by: Kat Kourbeti
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Kat Kourbeti presents Natalia Theodoridou's "A Welling Up."
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7 Jun 2021