Table of Contents | 23 April 2018
By: Andrew Crabtree
Podcast read by: Ciro Faienza
Podcast read by: Andrew Crabtree
Podcast read by: Romie Stott
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Ciro Faienza presents Andrew Crabtree’s “Curiosity” with commentary by editor Romie Stott.
I want characters who value their friends, who see perfect strangers as full-fledged human beings worthy of their help, and who fight the world with hope and kindness to be rewarded for it.
This interview is part of Staff Stories, a new feature for our nonfiction week. Strange Horizons has been around since 2000, and in that time, our volunteer staff has grown and changed, but many of the people and experiences here are hidden from readers. We hope these stories help connect our staff to you, giving faces to the people whose work is usually unmarked and often nameless. Our volunteers are a diverse and fascinating group of people, and we think you'll enjoy learning about them as much as we like working with them. This week, I'm interviewing Joyce
As a writer and reader, I’m always searching for the alternative history of my lineage. I imagine them as fragments in the path I wasn’t guided down, the one which I still could and will walk down. Coming into a relationship with other queer Asian American speculative poets like Margaret Rhee has meant discovering another entry point—a writing and reading which has been there all along and which I was missing. —Ching-In Chen A Feminist Legacy  “SF is the only genre of literature in which it’s possible for a writer to explore the question of what this
red rover, red rover, / we’re sending you over.
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16 Apr 2018
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30 Apr 2018