Table of Contents | 27 May 2019
“Robots have been crying for two thousand years, as you well know,” she said.
By: M. F. Morrison
Podcast read by: Romie Stott
Podcast read by: M. F. Morrison
In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, poetry editor Romie Stott fills in for Ciro Faienza and presents M. F. Morrison’s “You, Robot”, as read by the poet.
ScottBishop is going to tell his boss that he wants to find the house of bread
We need to acknowledge that publishing has a white people blind spot, as well as defensiveness about the actual representation problems. Being racist does not mean necessarily that you’re incapable of change; looking inside yourself to find those blind spots is the first step.
What we call fantasy now was once religious belief, or is still. The appearance of an angel or a djinn in a story means it will likely be classified as fantasy, but if you go by the texts of several world religions, angels and djinns are real.
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20 May 2019
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2 Jun 2019